Moonlighting Bride

Large Print Edition

I published Moonlighting Bride in the traditional format, but then had several requests for it in a large print version. I thought why not? This would make my book available in another market. And, who doesn’t want to have another means to sell their books.

If you already have an ebook or traditional published book, then you can create a large print version of it as well. The hard part is already done—the writing of the book.

I searched online and surprisingly there wasn’t much information available on the subject of formatting a book for a large print version.

So, I went to my local library and looked at some large print books, some by authors I never heard of and some famous authors. I checked out several to take home and use for examples.

Most large print books I looked at used a Garamond or Times Roman font. I found that interesting after I found one book that used Arial or some type of Sans Serif font. To me that made perfect sense. Because, if the purpose of producing a large print book is for the visual impaired to be able to read your book, then why wouldn’t you choose a font that’s easier to view.

The font I chose for my large print version of Moonlighting Bride is Arial size 16. I also used a larger trim size to accommodate the additional pages. And of course, a new cover had to be created. With all the pieces in place I now have another market for selling my book.